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Content Service for Lodging


Find the best lodging options and rates travelers want

Content Service for Lodging

The process of selecting lodging is easy, practical, and can be tailored to the needs of your travelers


The lodging distribution landscape is very diverse, so travel agents have a lot of places they can go to find lodging accommodations. Often, when a traveler sees a hotel price from another source, they often expect the travel agent to find that price or better without understanding why the price is different.

It is time-consuming for travel agents to search multiple websites for properties that their travelers want and ensure that they have found the right location with the required facilities and the best price.

See How Content Service for Lodging Helps You and Your Traveler’s Travels


Content Services for Lodging offers the widest range of lodging options and search criteria to find the right lodging options and rate for travelers.

Making it an ideal way for travelers to shop and book lodging experiences.

Unrivaled access to 1.6M+ lodging options​


Content Services for Lodging integrates both Sabre GDS and aggregator content, giving customers access to more than 90% of the world’s lodging. ​

If you have additional questions about Content Services for Lodging or would like to learn more about Sabre, please contact us.
