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Abdul Azis


Abdul Azis


Based on the Resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of PT Sabre Travel Network Indonesia on August 20, 2021, Abdul Azis was officially appointed by the shareholders of PT Sabre Travel Network Indonesia as the Board of Commissioners. Prior to being appointed as the Board of Commissioners of PT Sabre Travel Network Indonesia, he held various positions including the Board of Commissioners of Citilink, a subsidiary of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, Head of BPKP Representative Prov. Southeast Sulawesi, Special Staff to the Minister of the Ministry of State Secretary in the field of Governance, and various other positions.

With a background in finance and experience in various strategic positions, his experience in carrying out supervisory functions is not new to him, so he is trusted to be able to navigate the complexities in the travel business world.